I’ve started and stopped this blog entry about 10 times in the past month. Since this blog is supposed to be more focused on my design experience, I haven’t really felt motivated to share the personal changes and season we’ve been going through. However, it’s been so long since I blogged and I’m ready to jump back in as I’ve got so many blog topics back logged in my mind and on the notes app on my phone... which is where I’m currently constructing this entry.

It’s 11:30 pm and I’m typing this on my phone because I’m exhausted but wide awake as a baby girl is rolling around, kicking or trying to find a way out of my body. In the 6 months plus since my last entry, we found out we were pregnant— a very happy development and something Matt and I are anxiously excited about.

It has lead to a lot of other changes in our lives, like selling our first home and buying and renovating a new home. On a more design related note, it’s created some shifts in my work schedule and career/business goals. I’ve slowed down my marketing and business development aka I haven’t been blogging/keeping up with social media, cold calling, or making strenuous efforts to line up new work.

The beginning of the pregnancy was hard. From week 7 till about 17, I was pretty certain I never wanted to be pregnant a second time. Being constantly nauseous is bad enough, but the exhaustion is what really brought me down. The lack of energy not only made it hard to do my job, but overall made me feel like a completely different person. It felt as though I couldn’t be the best “me” or even an adequate “me”, as a designer, a friend, and a wife. Thankfully after week 15 or so, the fog started to clear and perfect timing as we had to get our house ready to put up on the market. We got it ready in about two weeks then it was under contract in less that 6 days on the market. That was just about the longest 60 days or so of our lives but I’d give anything to have time slow down now. At the end of that craziness, we moved in with my gracious mother in law around Christmas so we could do some renovations on our new home. My focus then was on our new home of course, but also on my health. I’m a type 1 diabetic, and have always been worried and unsure of what pregnancy and diabetes would look like. Thankfully the beginning was an easy process that didn’t require too much change, only careful and constant monitoring of my blood sugars. By about week 20, my blood sugars started rising dramatically every day. Working with my perinatal doctor and obgyn to monitor mine and baby’s health has been the number one priority these days. So here we are at week 27. We just moved into our house last week and I have a long mental list of projects I want to do around the house after we get unpacked. But I wanted to start here because in the midst of all this change and stress, it’s made me think through my vision of my business, blog and where this is all going. 

So stayed tuned as I get back into the swing of things and blogging at Molly by Design.